
Flosenso Brand Evolution – The story behind our new logo

You know that feeling when you look at something, and it just clicks? Like, “Yes! That’s the one!” Well, that’s exactly how we feel about our new logo at Flosenso. It’s not just a design, but the visual version of

How to install Flosenso smart water level controller

How to Install Flosenso – A Step-by-Step Guide

Water wastage is a growing concern in today’s world, especially in homes, industries, and farms. A common challenge people face is overflowing water tanks or running pumps dry, leading to unnecessary water loss and equipment damage. This is why the

ultrasonic sensors in smart home automation

How Ultrasonic Sensors are Becoming the Heroes of Smart Homes

Bats may not have the best eyesight, but they navigate the dark with incredible precision by sending out high-pitched sounds and listening for the echoes. They have their own ultrasonic sensors to guide them through the night. Now, imagine that

Eco-friendly and sustainable lifestyles

Why People Are Adopting Eco-Friendly and Sustainable Lifestyles

In a world where news of climate change and environmental degradation is becoming increasingly common, more and more people are rethinking how they live their lives. The shift toward a sustainable lifestyle is a necessary movement driven by a growing

Future Trends in Water Tank Level Sensors in India

Future Trends in Water Tank Level Sensors in India

According to the UN’s World Water Development report, around half of the world’s population will face severe water scarcity by 2030. Water scarcity poses a significant concern in India, which is grappling with a growing population and the unforeseeable effects

Float switch alternative

A Look at Smart Alternative to Float Switches for Water Tanks

For decades, the humble float switch has reigned supreme as the guardian of water tank levels. These mechanical devices have faithfully kept our tanks from overflowing and pumps from running dry. But like dial-up internet and cassette tapes, they are

Best Water Level Controller for Homes

How to Choose the Best Water Level Controller for Homes

Water is one of the most essential resources in our daily lives. Whether you’re using it for drinking, cooking, or maintaining your garden, having a reliable and efficient water supply is crucial. To ensure you always have the right amount